Hardware cosmetic technology for facial rejuvenation

Hardware facial cosmetology

Every woman dreams of having a young and elastic body all her life. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to sustain youth naturally. But do not despair! Now medicine does not stand still, so artificial methods of facial rejuvenation have appeared, which are in demand among many women of old age and even men.

What is hardware cosmetology?

Hardware cosmetology is a procedure that is carried out using special equipment to inject cosmetic products under the skin. Currently, with the help of this technology, it is possible to enlarge breasts, smooth the skin, cleanse the face and much more without problems and with special effort.

Unfortunately, the face is the part of the body that begins to age the fastest. Older women have noticeable wrinkles and a loss of skin firmness. To prevent this process, they only used the hands of a beautician and some products that had to be applied to the face almost daily, which did not bring any particular improvement. Now completely new devices have appeared that can perform various miracles.

To carry out such procedures, only modern and improved devices are used, which are equipped by specialists with a variety of functions, modes and attachments. This is done for the best results.

Measured values ​​

All cosmetic procedures should be done for two reasons only - to prevent and treat signs of aging. Here is a list of some indications for hardware cosmetics:

Indications for hardware cosmetics
  • facial wrinkles;
  • loss of skin firmness or other signs of aging;
  • strong skin pigmentation;
  • combats obesity or cellulite;
  • acne;
  • Removal of tattoos or permanent make-up.

This list is quite long, but it should be noted that such procedures are very effective and convenient.
The safety of hardware cosmetics in general depends on the qualifications of a specialist, his skills and the maintenance of equipment.


Unfortunately, not every woman can use such procedures as they have a number of contraindications.

Important to note!

Hardware cosmetology is strictly prohibited for pregnant women, as it can develop various pathologies in the fetus.

What are the contraindications for such procedures? This list is only for the most basic information and you should have a specialist familiarize you with others:

  • oncological diseases;
  • intolerance to a serum or gel intended for subcutaneous injection;
  • tumors;
  • mushrooms and various inflammatory processes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • hereditary predisposition to bleeding;

As you can see, contraindications to hardware cosmetics are very simple. Most importantly, the patient is healthy. If you have any diseases, then you should be cured first, and only then think about cosmetic procedures.

Types of hardware cosmetics

Anyone can choose the most appropriate type of cosmetic procedure that will work for you and that will help eliminate problematic, unwanted areas.

In the age of high technology there are many different processes that contribute to achieving the desired appearance:

  1. Liposuction- removal of excess weight with special devices. The so-called pumping out excess fat from problem areas. Liposuction is divided into two types: ultrasound and laser. The name alone makes it clear: the first method uses sound to pump out the fat, and the second - a laser. It is worth remembering that liposuction is contraindicated in overweight people.
  2. Hardware massage- massage with one device. It contains a large number of species that are very different from each other and have different indications. There are basically three types of hardware massage: hydromassage (with water), vibration massage (with artificial vibrations) and pneumomassage (the main distinguishing feature is strong air currents).
  3. Cryotherapy- a procedure that helps strengthen the health of the entire body, based on the use of a cryopool or cryosauna.
  4. Lifting- Tightening the skin, smoothing wrinkles and building muscle. The effect of such a procedure can be achieved both with the help of cosmetic preparations and with the help of plastic surgery.
  5. Galvanotherapy- hardware cosmetology that allows you to transform the skin with a weak current discharge with a low voltage.
  6. Laser cosmetology- a large group of procedures in which special lasers are used to restore skin elasticity and prevent sagging in the cheek area.

In addition to all of these procedures, hardware cosmetology helps remove new growths on the skin (warts, moles, etc. ) and remove scars after surgery.

Hardware methods of rejuvenation

Hardware rejuvenation techniques

Hardware cosmetics encompasses a variety of rejuvenation techniques. It is simply impossible to choose the most effective one, as each technique is designed for a specific area of ​​the body and skin type.

The best-known and most popular methods for rejuvenation among clinic customers:

  1. SMASlifting age.Probably the most popular method based on ultrasound. Today it is used in almost all beauty clinics and salons. This procedure is completely painless, even a little pleasant, and the results are very gratifying.
  2. Photo rejuvenation.It acts on the epidermis (the deepest layer) of the skin with frequent and intense flashes of light, similar to taking photos. The result exceeds all expectations: wrinkles are smoothed, acne disappears, skin pigmentation disappears.
  3. Thermage.Another way of calling it radio lifting. This is a process of high frequency radiation that penetrates the skin and increases its temperature. This renews the collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  4. Elos rejuvenation.This process uses both light pulses and weak electricity charges that help rejuvenate. Such cosmetology does not contain anything dangerous, it only brings discomfort with a slight tingling sensation. The result won't make you wait long either.
  5. Injection for facial rejuvenation.They are divided into certain subgroups, and the most basic injection is an injection of hyaluronic acid. This method of rejuvenation is suitable for those who are afraid of surgery but want the skin to tighten and look beautiful.

How to properly combine facial rejuvenation procedures

how to combine procedures for rejuvenation

In order to achieve a good, noticeable and long-lasting result, you must be able to correctly combine completely different facial rejuvenation techniques. If you approach this matter with ignorance, then there is a chance that it will seriously harm your health.

For example, a botox injection works well with a contouring procedure. Thanks to such a combination of these techniques, you can get rid of a large number of expression lines in a short time. You can also experiment with a combination of thermage that won't harm the body. Such a procedure not only helps to even out the skin layer, but also helps the skin to adhere more closely to the muscles, making the face more expressive.

Manual massage can be effectively combined with thermolifting, because when collagen is stimulated, the skin tightens and in this way you can strengthen the result.

Advantages and disadvantages of hardware cosmetics

Hardware cosmetology has much more advantages than disadvantages, so it is thanks to them that it is very popular with customers.

Advantages of cosmetic interventions:

  • The main benefit is correcting the shape of the face and skin condition without the surgical intervention, which many people are very afraid of.
  • the result appears in a short time and a small number of procedures;
  • The patient has only minimal discomfort.
  • enables the individual selection of the desired technology based on the age of the customer, which is also important.
  • versatility and good compatibility with other cosmetic procedures;
  • Painlessness.

Despite all the positive aspects of such cosmetic interventions, you should pay attention to the disadvantages, which unfortunately also exist. Sometimes you need to fix some manual cleaning issues and only then use the device yourself.

It is worth mentioning that each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which can be seen in the following examples:


Thermolift for the face

Plus- stimulation of collagen production.

Minus- does not affect the muscles.

Manual massage

This is, one could say, the downside of thermolifting.

Plus- The beautician can feel the skin perfectly so that she knows whether to increase or decrease strength and in which zone to work longer. The muscles of the face are perfectly toned, the skin becomes smoother and softer.

Minus- insufficient collagen production.

Manual cleaning

Plus- You can remove skin imperfections that cannot be removed with the help of hardware cleaning.

Minus- After the procedure, the skin takes on a red shade that looks slightly painful due to microcracks. Manual cleaning is a long and painful process that must be resorted to on a regular basis to have any effect.

Hardware cleaning

Plus- security and painlessness.

Minus- absolutely ineffective when working with problematic skin.


Plus- direct influence on the muscles with the help of waves.

Minus- The beautician does not feel the effects on the customer's skin as it does with manual cleaning.

Mesotherapy without injection

Plus- rejuvenation, skin stimulation, effective nutrition.

Minus- no effect on the muscles.

Comparing all the advantages and disadvantages of hardware cosmetics, the conclusion is that to get the best result, which you will surely like, you need to perform a number of procedures and correctly combine them.


Results of devices for rejuvenation

An individual program with the necessary procedures is developed for each customer, which corresponds to their skin type, age and lifestyle. The number of sessions also depends on certain conditions. Basically there are 2-3 doses for 20 minutes a week. After an entire apparatus therapy, you will like the result very much: Scars and sagging skin will disappear, wrinkles will become firmer and the face will have a clear, ideal contour.

Thanks to these changes, your well-being will improve, you will look younger and more beautiful. It should be noted that immediately after the procedures, there is no need to undertake recovery and rehabilitation periods. Hardware cosmetics will soon replace plastic surgery.

Hardware cosmetology at home

It also happens that women do not have enough time to visit salons and clinics often, but they really want to stay beautiful. There is an exit! It is now possible to do hardware cosmetology at home as this process is very quick and easy. Nowadays, in the cosmetic device market, there are many kinds of all kinds, but they differ in texture, devices for body and face care.

The most important thing is to choose a suitable and high quality product, because this is the only way to guarantee beauty. We must not forget that you need to use such devices regularly, otherwise you will not see amazing results.

Many people are afraid of hardware cosmetology, and the phrase seems awful and incomprehensible to them, but these procedures are actually completely different. They are practically painless and completely safe if you choose the right specialist, of course. Everyone needs to improve and monitor their appearance, and hardware cosmetics are trying to help them!